英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Interactions

2024-06-09 03:33

1. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Interactions

 To interfere, to slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way. 妨碍,妨碍,妨碍妨碍妨碍,妨碍,妨碍
 Having too many meetings is interfering with our work. 开太多会妨碍我们的工作。
 I told her to leave us alone and not to interfere in our problems. 我告诉她不要打扰我们,不要干涉我们的问题。
 She told me not to interfere, so I left the room and let them deal with the problem. 她叫我不要干涉,所以我离开了房间,让他们处理这个问题。
 To reflect, to think about or consider something, or to throw back image as from a mirror.反射,思考或考虑某物,或像从镜子中反射出影像。
 Before I make a decision, I'd like some time to reflect.在我做决定之前,我想先考虑一下。
 When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.当你照镜子时,你的影像会反射回你自己。
 After finishing the project, he looked back and reflected on what might have been done to make it better.完成这个项目后,他回头看了看,想了想应该怎么做才能把它做得更好。
 Upon further reflection, I've decided to postpone the project.经过进一步考虑,我决定推迟这个项目。
 To influence, to have an effect on something.影响,对某事产生影响。
 I think she can help us influence the others.我认为她可以帮助我们影响其他人。
 I don't think we can influence the final result.我认为我们不能影响最终的结果。
 They don't care what we think, so it will be difficult to influence their decision.他们不在乎我们怎么想,所以很难影响他们的决定。
 We can't influence the result, so we don't need to worry about it.我们不能影响结果,所以我们不需要担心它。
 To focus, to bring attention to something and make it clear.集中注意力,把注意力集中到某件事上并把它弄清楚。
 If we don't focus on something, we won't get anything done.如果我们不专注于某件事,我们将一事无成。
 We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is confused.我们不确定该关注什么,所以每个人都很困惑。
 The problem with that company is that they don't focus enough on improving quality.那家公司的问题是他们没有把足够的精力放在提高质量上。
 To exaggerate, to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.To夸大其词,形容某事比实际情况更大或更重要。
 It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.他说的话很难相信,因为他总是夸大其词。
 She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.她说她什么都能卖,但那当然是夸大其词。
 In my opinion, it's better to exaggerate your skills a bit in an interview rather than be too modest.在我看来,在面试中夸大你的技能比过于谦虚要好。
 I told her toleaveus alone and not tointerferein ourproblems.我告诉她不要打扰我们,不要干涉我们的问题。
 They don't care what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.他们不在乎我们怎么想,所以很难影响他们的决定。
 She said she could sell any thing, but of course that was an exaggeration.她说她什么都能卖,但那当然是夸大其词。

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Interactions

2. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 Interactions

Interaction    n.相互影响(作用,制约,配合);交互作用(影响);交相感应;干扰(涉);
 To  interfere , to slow something down or make it worse by  getting in the way. 
 Having too many meetings is  interfering with  our work.
 I told her to leave us alone and not to  interfere in  our problems.
 (She told me not to interfere, so I left the room and let them deal with the problem.)
  interfere ,   v.干涉; 干预; 介入;
   getting in the way.     妨碍;阻碍
  interfere with   干预,阻挠,妨碍,阻止; 强奸; 擅自使用,摆弄;
  interfere in    干涉,干预; 
  interfere with和interfere in的区别:  1、interfere with的意思是:对立,妨碍,打扰。2、interfere in的意思是:干涉,干预,介入。
 To  reflect,  to think about or consider something or to  throw back  a image as from a mirror.
 Before I make a decision, I'd like sometime to reflect.
 When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.
 (When I reflect on something, I look at it again and again in my mind and try to see all sides of it.)
 (Upon further reflection, I've decided to postpone the project.)
 (After finishing the project, he looked back and  reflected on   what might have been done  to make it better.)
  reflect    v.反映; 映出(影像); 反射(声、光、热等); 显示,表明,表达
  throw back   扔回;反射;阻止
  reflect on     v.考虑; 回想;
 To  influence , to have an effect on something.
 I think she can help us influence the others.
 I don't think we can influence the final result.
 They don't care about what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.
 (With his powerful support, maybe we can influence their decision to  postpone  the project.)
 (There’s nothing we can do to influence the result because they don’t care about anything  except  money.)
  postpone    v.延迟; 延期; 展缓;
 To  focus , to  bring  attention  to  something and make it clear.
 If we don't focus on something we won't get anything done.
 We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is  confused .
 (He focused on too many details and didn't see the  overall  shape, so the product was a failure.)
 (The problem with that company is that they don't focus  enough  on improving quality.)
 (It's important to focus, but you have to be  careful not to get lost in details.)
  confused    adj.糊涂的; 迷惑的; 不清楚的; 混乱的; 难懂的;
  overall    adj.全面的; 综合的; 总体的;
  failure   n.失败; 失败的人(或事物); 未做,未履行(应做之事);
 To  exaggerate , to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.
 It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.
 She says she can sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.
 (In my opinion, it's better to exaggerate your skills  a bit  in an interview rather than  be too  modest.)
 (They exaggerate the benefits of their product and ignore the problems in quality, so I can't trust them.)
  a bit       a bit表示稍微、有点儿。作副词,表达“程度”时,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或比较级,a bit 不能直接+名词。
 (Before making a quick decision, he needs some time to reflect.)
 (I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision.)
 (If things are unclear and confusing, we need to focus on something.)
 (To think about or consider something, or to throw back a image as from a mirror. )   to reflect
 (To have an effect on something.)   to influence
 (To bring attention to something and make it clear.)    to focus
 (To slow something down and make worse by getting in the way.) to interfere
 (To describe something is larger or more important than it really is.)  to exaggerate
 (All that noise is interfering with my ability to think.)
 (When you look in to a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.)
 (They don't care what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.)
 (She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.)
 (Having too many meetings is interfering with our work.)
 (I don't think we can influence the final result.)
 (It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerate s .)
 (I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision to support us.)
 (If things are unclear and  confusing , we need to focus on something and get organized.)
 (She said she was  fluent  in English, but she was exaggerating, so it’s  no surprise  that she makes so many mistakes.)
  confusing     adj.难以理解的; 不清楚的;
  fluent     adj.(尤指外语) 流利,文字流畅; 流利的; 通畅的; 流畅熟练的;
  no surprise     网络不足为奇; 没有惊喜; 意料; 毫不奇怪; 不奇怪;

3. 英语流利说 level3 unit3 part2-Disasters

Disasters 灾难 
 Here are some types of terrible events that hurt or kill people. 以下是一些伤害或杀死人的可怕事件。
 Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth.地震是由地球深处的力量引起的。
 During earthquakes, many people are often killed by collapsing buildings and bridges.在地震中,许多人经常死于倒塌的建筑物和桥梁。
 Floods happen when rivers rise and overflow their banks.当河水上涨并溢出堤岸时,就会发生洪水。
 Floodwaters damage or destroy many houses and businesses.洪水毁坏或摧毁了许多房屋和企业。
 Fires destroy buildings, land and forests.火灾毁坏了建筑物、土地和森林。
 There are many causes for fire, including lightning.引起火灾的原因有很多,包括闪电。
 In a hurricane, high winds destroy buildings, and sometimes cause flooding.在飓风中,大风会摧毁建筑物,有时还会引发洪水。
 Some hurricanes have winds of more than 200 miles an hour.有些飓风的风速超过每小时200英里。
 Car accidents happen when cars collide, or when drivers lose control of their cars.车祸发生在汽车相撞的时候,或者司机失去对汽车的控制的时候。
 One of the main causes of car accidents is driving too fast.交通事故的主要原因之一是开车太快。

英语流利说 level3 unit3 part2-Disasters

4. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit3 Part3 -Living Conditions 1&2

Living conditions around the world vary from country to country.
  Some countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor. 
 Other countries have smaller economies, but the majority of their citizens are NOT poor.
 So the size of a country's economy isn't the only factor that determines how wealthy its citizens are.
 The size of its population is also an important factor.
 Another factor is how a country's wealth is distributed between the rich and the poor.
  Besides the size of its economy, what is another factor that determines living conditions?   - the distribution of wealth 
 A country's living   conditions   depend not only on the   size   of its economy. The size of its   population   is also an important   factor  . Another factor is   how   a country's   wealth   is   distributed   between the rich and the poor.
 Let's look at some examples.
 This chart shows the world's 10 largest economies in 2015.
 It ranks the countries by their Gross Domestic Product, or GDP.
 The GDP is one way of measuring the size of an economy.
 It is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country in a year.
 As you can see, according to this chart, the US and China had the largest economies.
  According to the chart, which country had the fifthe largest economies?  -Germany. 
  What does this chart use to compare the sizes of their economies?  - Gross Domestic Product 
  In 2015, Germany had the fifth largest economy. 
 According to the chart, India had the seventh largest economy in the world.
 Its economy was bigger than Italy's.
 However, the average living conditions in Italy are much higher than in India.
 One reason for this is the difference in population.
 India  has  a much larger population, so its wealth  is distributed among  a  much  larger number of people.
 You can find this information by checking a country's GDP per capita.
 Per capita means per person.
 If two countries have the same GDP, but one country has half the number of people, its GDP per capita is twice as large.
  What is one reason why the living conditions in Japan are much higher than in India?   - Its population is much smaller. 
 Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared.
 In some countries much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people.
 For example, in the US, just 5% of the population holds more than 70% of the wealth.
 This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy  despite  the size of their economy.
 In fact, the wealth share held by the wealthiest 10% more than 10 times bigger than the rest of the population.
  About what percent of the US population holds more than 70% of the wealth?  - About 5% 
  Why are there so many poor people in the US despite the size of their economy?   -Much of the wealth is held by a small segment of the population. 
 As we have seen, much of the wealth of the US is concentrated in just a few people.
 10% of its population had an estimated 75% of the wealth in 2015.
 In this chart we see some comparisons with other countries.
 In contrast to the US, 10% of Japan's population had less than half of the total wealth.
 In China, in 2014, the estimated share of the top 10% was 64%, but this number is rising.
 Russia had the highest  concentration  of wealth, at over 80%!
 India, which has one of the largest economies, has the largest share of the world's poorest people.
 The share of wealth of its richest 10% is 370 times that of its poorest 10%.
  Which of these countries has the largest share of the world's poorest people?   - India 
 A major challenge for a government is to improve the living conditions of its citizens.
 As we have seen, growing an economy isn't enough.
 Population growth and distribution of wealth are also important factors.
 Improving education and developing job skills can help people  move up  in an economy.
 With better education and training, the poor can increase their ability to get better jobs and raise their income.
  What does better education allow?   - It increases a person's ability to get a better job. 
  How can education change how wealth is distributed?  -  It can help the poor to get better jobs and increase their share of the wealth. 
 However, taxes are needed to pay for social services, including health and education.
  Some countries tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor. 
  However, if taxes are too high, it can discourage investment and risk taking. 
 This is because investors won't take risks  unless  the rewards are high.
 So, as you can see, these are complex issues.
  How can high taxes discourage investment?   -They can reduce the rewards for taking a risk. 

5. 英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part1- Quitting a Job

I hear you lost your job.我听说你丢了工作。
 Is that right?是这样吗?
 Yes, that's right.是的,这是正确的。
 I quit.我辞职了。
 I quit because of the way my boss treats people.我辞职是因为老板对人的态度
 What happened?发生了什么事?
 I wasn't feeling good one day, and he yelled at me.有一天我感觉不太好,他冲我大喊大叫。
 When I told him not to yell at me, he threaten me.当我告诉他不要对我喊叫时,他威胁我
 Is that all?就这样?
 That's what bosses do.老板们就是这么做的。
 Sure, sometimes maybe.当然,有时也许。
 But my boss treated everyone badly, and I was tired of it.但是我的老板对每个人都很不好,我受够了。
 It was the last straw.这是最后一根稻草。(压死骆驼的最后一根稻草)
 The last straw?最后一根稻草?
 Yes, you know, it reached the point where I couldn't take it anymore.是的,你知道,它已经到了我无法忍受的地步
 I see.我明白了。
 So now you don't have a job?所以你现在没有工作了?
 Right, I don't have a job.对,我没有工作
 But at least I don't have to deal with my boss anymore.但至少我不用再和老板打交道了。
 What are you going to do now?你现在打算做什么?
 To be honest, I'm not sure, but I'll find something.说实话,我不确定,但我会找到的。
 I'll get a job, even if it pays less than before.我要找份工作,即使薪水比以前低。
 What doesn't he have to deal anymore? his ex-boss什么事情他不用再处理了?他以前的老板(老东家)
 What is he going to look for? a new job他要找什么?一份新工作
 Are you sorry you quit?你后悔辞职了吗?
 Yes, and no.是的,没有
 I guess Ishould have foundanother job first, and thenquit.我想我应该先找份工作,然后再辞职。
 Why didn't you?你为什么不?
 As I said, he push me too far.正如我所说,他把我推得太远了。
 There are something  I just won't take.有些东西我就是拿不走。
 What won't he take? being treated badly and threatened他不想什么(受到什么待遇)?受到虐待和威胁
 What about your wife?你妻子呢?
 She isn't happy that I don't have a job, but she understands.她不高兴我没有工作,但她理解。
 She knows I have a temper.她知道我脾气不好。
 And she knows I wasn't happy working there.她知道我在那里工作不开心。
 Well, I guess I'm lucky.我想我很幸运
 My job isn't great, but I like the people I'm working with, and I like my manager.我的工作不怎么样,但是我喜欢和我一起工作的人,我喜欢我的经理
 Are you planning to stay there?你打算呆在那里吗?
 I don't know.我不知道。
 For now it's OK, butof courseit alldependsonhow thingschange.现在还好,但这当然取决于事情如何变化。
 Well if you hear of any job openings, let me know, OK?嗯,如果你听说有职位空缺,请告诉我,好吗?
 Sure, send me your resume, and I'll let people know you're looking.当然,把你的简历寄给我,我会让别人知道你在找工作
 His boss pushed him too far one too many times, so he couldn't wait to quit.他的老板多次把他逼得太过分了,所以他迫不及待地辞职了
 He isn't sure what he is going to do.他不确定他要做什么
 His boss treated him badly one too many times.他的老板太多次态度叫糟糕(上一个unit里那个粗鲁老板)。
 He won't take being treated badly and threatened too many times.他不会忍受被粗暴对待和多次威胁。

英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part1- Quitting a Job

6. 十五:英语流利说Level2-Unit1-Part5(中英文版)

This is Ben Harris. 我是本.哈里斯。
 He and his family live in Toronto, Canada. 他和他的家人住在加拿大多伦多。
 Ben has an old brother, Jeff. 本有一个哥哥, 杰夫。
 Jeff is 15 years old. 杰夫15岁了。
 Ben also has a younger sister, Maggie. 本还有一个妹妹,麦琪。
 She is 8 years old.她8岁了。
 This is Ben's father Paul. 这是本的父亲保罗。
 Paul owns his own business.保罗有自己的生意。
 He owns four res restaurants.他有四家餐馆。
 They are Italian restaurants. 它们是意大利餐馆。
 His business is good.他的生意很好。
 His business is very good. 他的生意非常好。
 So he earns a lot of money.所以他赚了很多钱。
 They live in a very large house.他们住在-一个非常大的房子里。
 It's a very expensive house.这是一栋丰常昂贵的房子。
 They have two cars.他们有两辆车。
 Both cars are expensive cars.两辆车都很贵。
 Ben's mother, Kathy, doesn't have a job.本的妈妈凯西没有工作。
 She takes care of their home.她照顾他们的家。
 She also takes care of their garden.她还照顾他们的花园。
 Their garden is behind their house.他们的花园在房子后面。
 she grows flowers and vegetables. 她种花和蔬菜。
 She is also an excellent cook. 她也是一位出色的厨师。
 She can cook many different kinds of food.她能做许多不同种类的食物。
 She can cook Italian and French food.她会做意大利菜和法国菜。
 She can also cook Indian food. 她还会做印度菜。
 Ben likes sports. 本喜欢运动。
 He wants to be a hockey player. 他想成为一名曲棍球运动员。
 He doesn't like school, but he wants a sports scholarship. 他不喜欢上学,但他想要体育奖学金。
 So he studies hard and exercises every day.所以他努力学习,每天锻炼身体。
 Jeff doesn't like sports. 杰夫不 喜欢运动。
 He wants to be a doctor.他想成为一名医生。
 He wants to go to a great university. 他想上一所好大学。
 Maggie wants to be an actress.麦琪想当演员。
 She takes dance lessons. 她上舞蹈课。
 She also likes to sing.她也喜欢唱歌。
 She wants to be a famous movie star. 她想成为一个著 名的电影明星。
 It's windy today. 今天有风。The wind is
 It’s raining. 下雨了。It is raining, so
 take an umbrella.下雨了,所以带把伞。
 It’s cloudy weather. 天气多云。
 It's cloudy, so we can't see the
 It’s cold today. 今天很冷。It’s cold, so
 wear a coat.天气很冷,所以穿件外套。
 Smog.烟雾。It’ s smoggy, SO wear a
 Cross a street过马路They are crossing
 a street.他们正在过马路。
 Look at something看东西He is looking
 at a clock.他正在看钟。
 walk through走过He's walking through
 the doorway. 他正穿过门口。
 run around到处跑they are running
 around a track. 他们正绕着跑道跑。
 go into进入He's going into a room 他正走进一个房间。
 come out出来She is coming out of a room.她正从一个房间里出来。
 sitting on a bench坐在长凳上She's
 sitting on a bench.她坐在长凳上。
 Standing 1n an elevator 站在电梯里He' s
 standing in an elevator. 他站在电梯里。
 pushing the door open.推开门。 She' s
 pushing the door open.她正在把门推开。
 pulling the door open.拉开门。She's
 pulling the door open.她正在拉开门。
 sitting at a table.坐在桌子旁。He's
 sitting at a table.他坐在桌子旁。
 V: Would you like to have breakfast together? 你想一起吃早餐吗?
 M: Sure, let’s have breakfast together. 当然, 我们一起吃早餐吧。
 Do you know a good place? 你知道哪里好吗?
 W: Yes, there's a nice coffee shop in the shopping center. 是的,在购物中心有家不错的咖啡店。
 M: Which shopping center? 哪个购物中心?
 w: The shopping center on 1st Avenue. 第一大街的购物中心。
 It's near the subway stop.它在地铁站附近。
 M: Oh, I know that one.哦,我知道那个。
 There's a Starbucks there. 那里也有一家星巴克。
 W: Yes, there is, But I like the other shop. 是的,有.但我喜欢另一家商店。
 There are too many people at Starbucks.星巴克的人太多了。
 M:OK, can we get a good breakfast there? 好的,我们能在那里吃顿好早餐吗?
 W: I think so. 我想会的. and it's not
 W: What do you like for breakfast? 你早餐喜欢吃什么?
 M: I like eggs for breakfast.我早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋。
 W: Me too. They have eggs with potatoes and toast.我也是。他们有鸡蛋、土豆和吐司。
 M: Great.I like potatoes with my eggs. 太好了。我喜欢土豆加鸡蛋。
 W: Do you drink coffee with your breakfast? 你早餐时喝咖啡吗?
 M: Yes,i usually have coffee with my breakfast. 是的,我通常早餐时喝咖啡。
 What about you?你呢?
 W: No,I don't have coffee. 不,我不喝咖啡。I
 usually have tea.我通常喝茶。
 W: Is there anything else you like? 你还喜欢别的吗?
 M: Yes, there is. 是的,有。
 I usually have fruit juice, like orange juice.我通常喝果汁,比如橙汁
 How about you? 你呢?
 W: Me too
 M: 0K. Let's go. 好的。我们走吧。 Let's
 take the subway.我们坐地铁吧。
 W: Hey! Wait a minute! 嘿!等一下!I don't have my subway card! 我没有地铁卡!
 M: Where is it? 在哪里?
 w: It's in my apartment, in my coat.在我的公寓里,我的外套里。
 I'1l be right back.我马上回来。
 M: Great, I'm getting hungry.太好了,我饿了。

7. 二八:英语流利说Level3-Unit1-Part4(中英文版)

Christina sells women’s clothing in a department store. 克里斯蒂娜在百货公司卖女装。
 She usually works 6 days a week, but this week she’s going to take 3 days off. 她通常一周工作六天,但这周她要请三天假。
 She’s taking time off so that she can visit her parents. 她要请假,这样她就可以看望她的父母了。
 Her parents live in the mountains, about three hours away by train. 她的父母住在山上,坐火车大约要三个小时。
 They are looking forward to seeing her. 他们盼望见到她。
 They haven’t seen her for almost a year. 他们差不多一年没见到她了。
 Christina is their only child. 克里斯蒂娜是他们唯一的孩子。
 Christina isn’t going on the trip by herself. 克里斯蒂娜不是一个人去旅行。
 Her boyfriend is going with her. 她的男朋友要和她一起去。
 She is going to introduce him to her parents. 她打算把他介绍给她的父母。
 She and her boyfriend want to get married. 她和她的男朋友想结婚。
 If everything goes well, they plan to get married in 6
 months. 如果一切顺利,他们计划6个月后结婚。
 After they get married, Christina plans to quit her job. 他们结婚后,克里斯蒂娜打算辞职。
 She wants to spend more time designing clothes. 她想花更多的时间设计衣服。
 She wants to set up her own business. 她想自己创业。
 This will take time. 这需要时间。
 Her boyfriend thinks it’s a good idea. 她男朋友认为这是个好主意。
 He's also thinking about starting his own business. 他也在考虑自己创业。
 They don’t plan to have children right away. 他们不打算马上生孩子。
 In fact, they may decide not to have children. 事实上,他们可能会决定不生孩子。
 They don’t know yet. 他们还不知道。
 It’s going to be a big decision. 这将是一个重大的决定。
 Christina’s parents want her to marry and have children. 克里斯蒂娜的父母希望她结婚生子。
 They are looking forward to having grandchildren. 他们盼望有孙子。
 They don’t want her to start her own business. 他们不想让她自己创业。
 They think it’s more important to have children. 他们认为生孩子更重要。
 In fact, they would like her to live closer to them. 事实上,他们希望她住得离他们更近。
 They want to be close to their grandchildren. 他们希望和外孙更近。
 So Christina doesn’t plan to tell her parents everything. 所以克里斯蒂娜不打算把一切都告诉她父母。
 For now, she just wants them to meet her boyfriend. 现在,她只是想让他们见见她的男朋友。
 She wants them to be happy that she is going to get married. 她希望他们为她要结婚而高兴。
 She wants them to like him and see her happiness. 她希望他们喜欢他,看到她的幸福。
 She wants her parents to accept her way of life. 她希望她的父母接受她的生活方式。
 Life isn’t the same now as it used to be. 现在的生活和过去不一样了。
 Times are changing. 时代在变。
 Mechanics like this one fix cars. 机械师,像这个,修理汽车。
 He is working in a repair shop. 他在一家修理厂工作。
 A delivery person delivers things, such as pizzas. 送货员送东西,比如比萨饼。
 This person works for a restaurant. 这个人在一家餐馆工作。
 A pharmacist sells medicines. 药剂师卖药。
 Pharmacists, like this woman, work in a pharmacy. 药剂师,像这个女人,在药房工作。
 Thieves, like this one, steal things. 小偷,就像这个,偷东西。
 This thief is stealing a television from a home. 这个小偷正在一家偷电视机。
 A musician, like this one, plays music. 像这样的音乐家演奏音乐。
 This musician is playing a guitar. 这位音乐家正在弹吉他。
 These people are wearing masks because of the smog. 因为烟雾,这些人戴着口罩。
 One cause of smog is automobile exhaust. 烟雾的一个原因是汽车尾气。
 It’s raining hard, so you need an umbrella. 雨下得很大,所以你需要一把伞。
 Heavy rain like this can cause flooding and mudslides. 像这样的大雨会导致洪水和泥石流。
 When the sky is overcast we can’t see the sun because of the clouds. 当天空乌云密布时,我们看不到太阳,因为有云。
 A cloudy sky means that it might rain. 多云的天空意味着可能下雨。
 We need to wear a coat when it’s cold and windy. 天冷刮风的时候我们需要穿件外套。
 In a very strong wind it’s difficult to use an umbrella. 在大风中很难用伞。
 We need to drink water or other liquids when it’s hot outside. 外面热的时候我们需要喝水或其他液体。
 When it’s really hot, most people turn on the air conditioning. 天气很热时,大多数人都开空调。
 Here are some different types of things to read. 这里有一些不同类型的读物。
 Works of fictions include novels, short stories and plays, such as Shakespeare. 小说作品包括小说、短篇故事和戏剧,如莎士比亚。
 We read fiction to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure. 我们读小说是为了享受想象和冒险的故事。
 People read the news to learn about what’s happening in the world. 人们通过阅读新闻来了解世界上正在发生的事情。
 We can get the news in newspapers and online. 我们可以在报纸和网上获得新闻。
 When we buy something, we often need to read an instruction manual. 当我们买东西的时候,我们经常需要阅读使用说明书。
 Instruction manuals show us how to put together or install things. 使用说明书告诉我们如何组装或安装东西。
 Non-fiction works include biographies and books about science and history. 非小说类作品包括传记和关于科学和历史的书籍。
 We read non-fiction to learn about different subjects and real people. 我们阅读非小说类书籍来了解不同的主题和真实的人。
 We can learn about the latest scientific research in journals and academic papers. 我们可以从期刊和学术论文中了解最新的科学研究。
 Many online universities courses give a list of research papers to read. 许多网络大学的课程都列出了可供阅读的研究论文清单。
 A: What’s wrong? 怎么了?
 B: I can’t walk. 我不能走路。 My left foot hurts.我的左脚疼。
 A: Is it broken? 是断了吗?
 B: I don’t know if it’s broken, but it sure hurts. 我不知道是不是断了,但肯定很疼。
 A: There’s one way to find out if it’s broken. 有一种方法可以知道它是否坏了。
 B: How? 如何?
 A: You need to see a doctor. 你得去看医生。
 The doctor can X-ray your foot. 医生可以给你的脚拍x光片。
 B: OK, let’s go. 好的,我们走吧。I can’t walk by myself. 我自己走不了路。
 Can you help me into a taxi? 你能帮我叫辆出租车吗?
 A: Sure, I’ll call a taxi. 好的,我叫辆出租车。
 I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible. 我会尽快送你去医院。
 B: Thanks. I sure hope it isn’t broken. 谢谢。我真希望它没断。
 A: We’ll find out soon enough. 我们很快就会知道了。
 W: I don’t feel like cooking tonight. 今晚我不想做饭。Let’s go out.我们出去吧。
 M: Where would you like to go? 你想去哪里?
 W: I feel like eating some great Italian food. 我想吃一些很棒的意大利菜。
 M: How about AI’s Italian? AI的意大利餐怎么样? It’s always good.总是很不错。
 W: We went there last week. 我们上周去了那里。
 Let’s try something new. 让我们尝试一些新的东西。
 You have no imagination. 你没有想象力。
 You always want to go to the same place.你总是想去同一个地方。
 M: Right, I don’t like unpleasant surprises. 是的,我不喜欢不愉快的惊喜。
 I just want things to be simple.我只想把事情简单化。
 W: OK, let’s compromise. 好吧,我们折中一下。
 M: What does that mean? 这是什么意思?
 What do you mean by compromise? 你说的折中是什么意思?
 W: Let’s go 50-50. 我们各占一半。
 This time we’ll go someplace new and next time we can go to one of your favorites. 这次我们去一个新的地方,下次我们可以去你最喜欢的地方。
 M: OK, I’ll compromise and meet you halfway. 好吧,我会妥协的,我们各让一半。
 W: Good, I’ll look for something new and make reservations.太好了,我去找些新的预订。
 M: Great, let’s not go too late. 太好了,我们不要走得太晚。
 W: I’ll make reservations for 8. 我要预订8点的座位。Is that OK? 这样可以吗?
 M: Yes, perfect. 可以,很好。


8. 九:英语流利说Level1-Unit2-Part4(中英文版)

L1-U2-P4-1 Listening  :Cities & Languages 
 Here are four cities. 这里有四个城市。
 Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。
 London is in England. 伦敦在英国。
 Tokyo is in Japan. 东京在日本。
 Paris is in France. 巴黎在法国。
 Beijing and Tokyo are both in Asia. 北京和东京都在亚洲。
 London and Paris are both in Europe. 伦敦和巴黎都在欧洲。
 In France, people speak French. 在法国,人们说法语。
 In China, people speak Chinese.在中国,人们说汉语。
 In Japan, people speak Japanese. 在日本,人们说日语。
  L1-U2-P4-2 Listening  :Countries & Languages 
 This is Europe. 这是欧洲。
 There are many countries in Europe. 欧洲有许多国家。
 France, Italy and Germany are all in Europe. 法国、意大利和德国都在欧洲。
 People in these countries speak different languages. 这些国家的人们说不同的语言。
 They don't speak the same language. 他们说的语言不一样。
 The French speak French. 法国人说法语。
 The Italians speak Italian. 意大利人说意大利语。
 The Germans speak German. 德国人说德语。
 There are many different languages. 有许多不同的语言。
 In Europe and Asia many students study English. 在欧洲和亚洲,许多学生学习英语。
 English is their second language. 英语是他们的第二语言。
 Many people can speak two languages. 许多人会说两种语言。
 Right now you are studying English. 现在你正在学习英语。
 This is North America. 这是北美。
 There are three countries in North America. 北美有三个国家。
 Canada, the US and Mexico are all in North America. 加拿大、美国和墨西哥都在北美。
 Canada is north of the US. 加拿大在美国的北部。
 The US is south of Canada. 美国在加拿大南部。
 Mexico is south of the US. 墨西哥在美国南部。
 In Mexico, people speak Spanish. 在墨西哥,人们说西班牙语
 In Canada and the US, people speak English. 在加拿大和美国,人们讲英语。
  L1-U2-P4-3 Vocabulary  :Places & Time of Day 
 A school学校Students study at school. 学生在学校学习。
 An apartment building公寓
 An apartment building has many apartments. 公寓楼有许多公寓。
 A house房子 Some people live in big houses. 有些人住在大房子里。
 A sidewalk人行道 People walk on a sidewalk. 人们走在人行道上。
 A street一条街 People drive cars on a street. 人们在街上开车。
 It's morning现在是早上。 People
 get up in the morning. 人们早上起床。
 It's afternoon这是下午。 People eat
 lunch in the afternoon. 人们在下午吃午饭。
 It's evening这是晚上。 People eat
 dinner in the evening. 人们在晚上吃晚饭。
 It's night现在是晚上。 People sleep at night. 人们晚上睡觉。
 It's day time现在是白天。 It's
 light during the day. 白天很亮。
 It's night time现在是晚上。 It's dark
 at night. 晚上很黑。
  L1-U2-P4-4 Vocabulary:Describing Things 
 A red book. 一本红色的书。 This book is red. 这本书是红色的。
 A green book. 绿皮书。 This book is green. 这本书是绿色的。
 A big chair. 一把大椅子。 This is a big chair. 这是一把大椅子。
 A little chair. 一把小椅子。 This chair is little. 这把椅子很小。
 A tall man一个高个子男人 This man is tall and thin. 这个人又高又瘦。
 A short man. 矮个子。 This man is short and heavy. 这个人又矮又重。
  L1-U2-P4-5 Dialogue:Talk About Dan's Family 
 Tina:Hi Dan. 嗨,丹。
 Dan:Hi Tina.
 Tina:Here are some questions for you. 这里有几个问题要问你。
 Dan:Sure, go ahead. 当然,请讲。
 Tina:First, where are you from? 首先,你是哪里人?
 Dan:I'm from the US. 我来自美国。 I live in San Francisco.我住在旧金山。
 Tina:Do you have a family? 你有家人吗?
 Dan:Yes, I do是的,我有 。I have a wife and two children.我有一个妻子和两个孩子。
 Tina:What's your wife's name? 你妻子叫什么名字?
 Dan:My wife's name is Sally. 我妻子叫莎莉。 She's Chinese.她是中国人
 Tina:She's Chinese? 她是中国人?
 Dan:Yes, she's from Beijing. 是的,她来自北京。
 Tina:What about your children? 你的孩子们呢?
 Dan:I have a boy, Harry, and a girl,
 Lily. 我有一个男孩哈利和一个女孩莉莉。
 Tina:How old are they? 他们多大了?
 Dan:Harry is 7 and Lily is 5. 哈里7岁,莉莉5岁。
 Tina:What do you do? 你是做什么的?
 Dan:What do I do? 我是做什么的?
 Tina:Yes, what's your job? 是的,你的工作是什么?
 Dan:I'm a pilot. 我是飞行员。 I fly airplanes.我开飞机。
 Tina:That's interesting. 这很有趣。
 Dan:Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 I like my job.我喜欢我的工作。
 Tina:What languages do you speak? 你会说什么语言?
 Dan:I can speak several languages. 我会说好几种语言。
 Tina:What are they? 它们是什么?
 Dan:I can speak French, Spanish, and a
 little Chinese. 我会说法语、西班牙语和一点汉语。
 Tina:That's great. 太好了。 Thanks, Dan.谢谢,丹
 Dan:You are welcome. 不客气。
 Hi, I'm Dan. 我是丹。 I live in San Francisco. 我住在旧金山。
 I live there with my family.我和我的家人住在那里。
 I have a wife and two children. 我有一个妻子和两个孩子。
 I can speak several languages. 我会说好几种语言。
 It's nice to meet to you. 很高兴认识你。
  L1-U2-P4-6 : Letters, Operation & Time 
 Bb: a book   Pp: a pond池塘  Dd: put down   Tt: a table
 Vv: a violin小提琴  Ll: a lamp一盏灯  Rr: a restaurant    Mm: amouse一只老鼠
 Nn: north北  Ss: a salad沙拉
 1:00 (one o'clock)   3:00 (threeo'clock)
 five minutes   fifteen minutes   1:15 (one fifteen)
 7:20 (twenty minutes after seven)
 1/2 (one half)    1/3 (one third)  1 1/2 (one and a half)
 5 2/3 (five and two third)  9+5(nine and five)  8-5 (eight minus five)
 1/2 x 3 (one half times three)  2÷4 (divide two by four)