
2024-05-29 15:35

1. 刘锐的个人主要专品

孙 楠:新专辑主打歌曲:悄悄话(编曲,混音)满文军:新专辑主打歌:与我同行(编曲、制作)逆风而起(作曲、合音编写)这就是爱(编曲、制作、录音)不要松开我的手(制作,编曲)沙宝亮:我还爱着你(制作,编曲)一秒零七天 (制作,编曲)旗帜飘扬(作曲,制作,编曲)尚雯婕:电影《非诚勿扰》原声大碟(作曲、编曲、制作、混音)张靓颖:电影《非诚勿扰》插曲(配唱、录音、混音)杜德伟 (港):ROUND(曲)羽 泉:3秒钟(编曲)信以为真(作曲,制作,编曲)解小东:相信(制作,编曲)那 英:山不转水转(R&B版,制作,编曲)罗中旭:圈套(曲,制作,编曲)你很特别(曲,制作,编曲)为爱存在(曲,制作,编曲)景岗山:爱闭上了眼睛(曲,制作,编曲)刘 沁:《离开》等大量原创作品(制作,编曲)孙 悦:友善(词曲,制作,编曲)走出来(词曲,制作,编曲)金海心:情未了(制作,编曲)叶 蓓:让我看着你(词曲,编曲,混音)杨玉莹:阳光下的白T—SHIRT(编曲)俞 静:陌生人(词曲)孙 萌:心甘情愿(曲,制作,编曲)爱的就是你(曲,制作,编曲)星工场群星:孙楠,景岗山,罗中旭等:美梦成真(曲,制作,编曲)星工场群星:高枫,红豆,罗中旭等:好好努力(制作,编曲)


2. 刘锐的主要作品

 电视连续剧《我爱你中国》男1号 青年时代大型电视连续剧《尘埃落定》男1号 青年时代台湾偶像剧《海派甜心》饰 伍科《仙剑奇侠传三》饰 何必平《国色天骄》 虎虎参演 威尼斯最佳艺术奖电影《红颜》男2号 饰演王峰电影《我们毕业的夏天》 虎虎 饰 刘畅 周笔畅 首波主打 《你们的爱》胡彦斌《男人KTV》胡歌《告诉他我爱她》 2009首张EP:《一匹》首张前所未见的全新【一匹】 5脏俱全量身订做5首不离不弃的善变宠爱新曲:1.首波主打『怪怪女』-怪人当道 说有多怪就有多怪李小龙与梁山伯首度携手 重点巨作旋律流畅记忆点颇强的pop rock,年轻直接的编配,气质鲜明的演绎;编曲中加入了苏格兰风笛的旋律,使歌曲增添了几分异域的特色,整体感觉活泼、轻快;歌词搞怪直接,反映当下年青人的社交关系和直言直语的处世态度;「青鸟飞鱼」为此歌还自编了一段表现出毫无逻辑,违反人体工学的有趣的舞蹈,要让各界保育人士,想要好好爱惜这对可爱的新宠男孩。2.华山论剑都不敌这强劲动感的武术劲曲『舞棍』以〈舞棍〉为主题为“青鸟飞鱼”量身定做的一首全新单曲,曲风将电子、舞曲、中国风、Rap作完美结合。歌词:棍在前 棍断气连 形断意连 头晕请闭眼 气卷丹田 动作敏捷 舞棍圣贤 横世出现绝对让全民宠爱的流行元素-中国风词汇,让这首混搭极致的舞曲,瞬间飙升至热斗硬汉的氛围中!3.肝肠寸末断4.昨天是你生日--谁说生日不能补办? 宠物男孩为你庆生不打烊YA~翻唱师兄胡彦斌《文武双全》升级版里的歌曲,是一首轻柔 R&B曲风的爱情歌曲,编曲方向参考全球动物园里,昨天才刚过生日的宠物明星们心境揣摩,「青鸟飞鱼」同理式的唱腔,演唱中希望更多些悲情的感觉;相信新版的《昨天是你的生日》无论是从演唱技巧还是才艺能力上都会给“青鸟飞鱼”大大加分。5.就此放手 萧亚轩的庆功演唱会神秘嘉宾罗志祥台湾校园巡回演唱会小巨蛋慈善表演090829 2009沸腾演唱会090829成都2009梦幻之旅音乐嘉年华091005南湖欢乐嘉年华091016移动广安歌友会

3. 刘锐的文章著作

21. Dilations for operator-valued systems of imprimitivity acting on Banach spaces, in preparation (with D. Han and D.R. Larson).20. Cb-frames and the completely bounded approximation property for operator spaces, in preparation (with Z. Ruan).19. Generalized-lush spaces and the Mazur-Ulam property, submitted (with X. Huang and D. Tan).18. Upper and lower estimates for schauder frames and atomic decompositions, submitted (with K. Beanland and D. Freeman).17. A note on the Mazur-Ulam property of almost-CL-spaces, submitted (with D. Tan).16. Operator-valued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, 88+ pages (with D. Han, D.R. Larson and B. Liu).15. Minimal and maximal unconditional bases with respect to framings, Acta Mathematics Sinica, English Series, to appear.14. Hilbert-Schauder frame operators, Operators and Matrices 7 (2013) 91-99.13. Two notes on maps preserving equality of distance and approximate surjective isometries, Mathematics Application (2012) (with G. Lu).12. Upper Beurling density of systems formed by translates of finite sets of elements in $L^p(\R^d)$, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 6 (2012) 86-97 (with B. Liu).11. On shrinking and boundedly complete Schauder frames of Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 365 (2010) 385-398. ArXiv10. A characterization of Schauder frames which are near-Schauder bases, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 16 (2010) 791-803 (with B. Zheng).9. A note on extension of isometric embedding from a Banach space $E$ into the universal space $\ell_\infty(\Gamma)$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 220-224.8. I. Isometric extension problem and its developments; II. Duality theory for Schauder frames of Banach spaces, PH.D Thesis, Nankai University, 2009.7. On extension of isometries and approximate isometries between unit spheres, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 352 (2009) 749-761 (with L. Zhang).6. On the isometric extension problem: a survey. Stability of functional equations and applications, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematics Science 24 (2008) 339-354 (with L. Li).5. 1-Lipschitz mappings between unit spheres of Banach spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 1063-1070.4. On extension of isometries between unit spheres of $\scr L^\infty(\Gamma)$-type space and a Banach space $E$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333 (2007) 959-970.3. Discussion and application of nonsurjective isometries between the unit spheres of two $l^\infty$-spaces, Acta Mathematics Scientia Series A Chinese Edition 27 (2007) 385-391.2. Isometries between the unit spheres of $l^\beta$-sum of strictly convex normed spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 227-232.1. On the Aleksandrov problem and the extension of isometries between unit spheres, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 11 (2006) 841-850.


4. 刘锐的科研领域


5. 刘锐的介绍



6. 刘锐的介绍


7. 刘锐的介绍



8. 刘锐的介绍

