
2024-05-19 04:48

1. 想请人帮我翻译一段文章,急用,谢谢各位了

Times , tour having been full of the vigour and intense emotion so in 21 centuries have become one kind of life-style that world people all is fond of. Although have experienced an economic crisis , the tour does not decline, and be close to 2 years still have litre of warm trend. Entering a country touring is that our country develops the tourist trade starting point. Lots and lots of the visitor arrives in China abroad , is Chinese origin of quilt culture , places of historic interest, what local manners and feelings and various environment attract. Arrival being accompanying these passenger flows, also for the thick economy benefit that our country brings about. Analytical correct forecast customer resource formation, extraordinary beneficial to development of our country tourist trade. The main body of a book make use of statistics relevance knowledge, by checking the analysis counting a data's , coming to do out the accurate judgement and forecast to customer resource.


2. 想请人帮我翻译一段文章,急,谢谢


3. 你的翻译很好啊...能不能再帮个忙啊~再帮我翻译一段话吧~今晚急用啊..

如果物体保持完全静止(比如在博物馆展览中的物体),单独的数码相机也可以派上用场。这时需要两次曝光。照相机可以在一个滑杆上移动,如果摄像师操作熟练的话也可以仅仅手持摄像机水平笔直地移动。这种拍摄立体照片的方法有时被称为“cha-cha”或者“rock and roll”。
一个“并列显示(side by side display)”的使用规则是向侧面移动距离的1/30,或者只移动1/60如果照片是用于色彩分析或是三维图像展示。例如,当你拍摄一个站在房子前的人而且那个人在三十英尺远,那么你就应该在两次闪光之间移动照相机一英尺。



4. 请求你再帮我翻译一段文章,谢谢哦,急急急急

2 , unexpected and makes sense
The end of the O. Henry style often gives people a feeling of surprise , however, it seems reasonable to analyze them . It is said that the writer of some friends asked him to talk about the story of the end of the trick , he said , often , when he does not know how to write a novel at the end. It only shows that he is good at the inevitability of unexpected causal factors of development and storyline combined , but by no means alone subjective imagination , just conjecture . From the perspective of thinking artistic point of view, is an unexpected result of creative thinking , its biggest feature is the anti- conventional . "Portrait of thinking about things they carried home the most sensible observation, and then use logic principle to be addressed. Lateral thinker who only use a variety of different ways to look at things , rather than one of the most promising methods to observe and handle certain things . " ( 7 ) writer is relying on this unconventional way of thinking to win unexpected artistic effect there makes sense .
Such as " Cop ", " The last leaf " These two novels , the former Soviet Union more than a series of criticism of the move foreshadowed to listen to the attitude of the police resulted in the appointment of an illusion , both the Soviet Union than this winter is definitely missed a prison , but in the end the two lines in the Soviet Union than it was irony of fate is just looking for a reason to police thrown into prison. Later, with a chic side of characterization techniques, so that a La La weave , full of anger "failed painter " draw photograph immortal masterpiece ; the last one leaves, thus saving the young artists Johnsy , but also reveals the old artist Behrman 's a Beautiful Mind . The former is laid on the reader by surprise, but the grounds are paved , but reasonable, because before Soapy similar approach has been implemented, but without success Bale ; latter died in the reader's surprise, however, he in the cold for the last piece of creative young artists Johnsy fact leaves dye gave him the cold rationality of death . Two similar stories , but were unified showed O. Henry -style ending artistic attainments .
O. Henry is a world -class literary master , in the history of world literature has a special status , O. Henry and innovative ideas to treat the novel, unconventional creative attitude ; unique contrast , covert criticism and O. Henry -style ending , etc. writing style and skills are making him a " O. Henry tactics " as the literary world today still has enormous influence and lofty artistic value , it is worth it to continue to explore and learn.


5. 你好,能再帮我翻译一段吗?刚才你的翻译对我帮助很大,谢谢了!


The classroom culture is gradually shaped with long-term activities conducted by the students and teachers, and has a significant impact on both the students' and the teachers' thought processes, behaviors, and values. The difference in Western and Chinese cultural background leads to a great deal of variation between their classroom culture.

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、


6. 这段文章怎么翻译,会的帮帮忙。本人急需


7. 这段文章怎么翻译,会的帮帮忙。本人急需

两件案件同时引出一项争议,那就是是否政府法规太过分以致不仅无效而且应该给原告赔偿损害。在penn 中央法院,铁路方主张《纽约城市地表法》否认一项权利。这项权利就是在42街的大中央车站与公园大道上建造一幢55层办公大楼牵涉到美国宪法修正案第五条与第十四条相关权利的采用。根据铁路方的意见,brennan 提出这个问题并且认为法院很难为“采用相关宪法权利”而发展处一套程式是合理的!虽然第五宪法修正案(仅仅就是赔偿条款)阻止政府强迫一些人单独承受公共负担,根据公平与正义法则,这些负担应该由作为一个整体的公众来承担,但最终判决(这样的判决是公平与正义法则强行规定的!)的做出是一句案件特定的背景,即是依据专案的事实调查! 


8. 你帮我翻译过一段文章,翻译的很好,希望你能急需帮助我,急求

今天,投资者,Äîeven那些只有少量资金,Äîcan容易直接进入世界各地的交流插头;购买和出售股票和其他产品;和O ·和自由的新闻,报价,图表,以及其他有关资料。骗子也有相同的访问。重要的是今天每个人都将谨慎和健康程度的怀疑在网上提供的信息。一个好的经验法则:唐,AOT依赖,Äúpushed信息,AU理想情况下,你应该去源和产生的信息你问的问题,从权威性和合法的队友在线来源产生这些问题的答案。如果你依赖你听到投资聊天室(你不知道谁是他们的动机是什么),你将无法依靠你获得的信息。只有这样,才能确保您的数据是高质量的,可靠的,基于研究和有效的次要来源是依靠公司所需要的资源。因此,值得找出您感兴趣的市场,每年都认可的数据提供商,经纪人,和前变化。如果您计划在昨天,星光大道的投资文化的基础上进行研究,你已经过时了。生硬的现实表明,抓实,你可以不再依靠的老年人,无法足够快地适应越来越快的移动和全球市场的建立来源的研究部门。同样,有用的,而作为一个O · ARST的参考工具,稍微推迟的指示性的市场信息,典型的Internet搜索引擎或新闻工具是不是一个良好的研究数据源