
2024-05-20 02:28

1. 20世纪二三十年代的美国大萧条的真正原因是什么

可以这么说,施工的人比卖商品的人要的钱都多就是这样,请个人给你装修房子,200一天,但是1块石膏板才赚3元钱                                                                             -----城市房产


2. 美国经济大萧条的简述,要全英版的。讲一下原因、过程及结果。








The reason is that the economic crisis, and why the economic crisis, of course, is our pocket, no money, and the commodities produced too much, so a vicious cycle, corporate profits is less and less, so the wages of the hands of fewer and fewer people, and finally simply was fired, and then, is social unrest.

Produced too much and why? Mongolia had just been because of new energy and power advantages of significantly lower production costs, production efficiency greatly inflated; and why do we have money? And this relationship is also an increasing number of job does not require labor, and entrepreneurs in pursuit of higher profits do not want more money, so one is in full swing production, one is constantly laid-off workers, no increase in the post's wages.

This is one reason: power and other new technologies bring new energy production capacity greatly inflated wages not up and down, the other reason is urbanization, a large number of farmers without land to be rushed to the city, when the land policy to encourage investment , in order to obtain a higher rent, so the land owners want to sell the business, or sell real estate, but do not want to farmers contracting the land. Therefore, countries like China do not appear similar to the short-term problem, because most of our land is still used for agriculture, urbanization ratio is not high, to meet the majority of the population of self-sufficiency, and will not lead to great social unrest.

Like the United States from time because the United States of land available for farming in fact very small, and the United States as the Chinese peasant farmers do not like the hard, barren mountains can open terrace can be opened, we have been called the city of town where the beautiful call.

Another reason is that almost no social security at the time, which belongs to the government cause.

In fact, China's major cities have similar problems, but did not become a comprehensive phenomenon, in the new economic model is not mature before, do not easily discard the old, the current period of economic transition in China from a labor-intensive to changes in technology-intensive, it is slowly changing, and to a soft landing, a period of coexistence of various economic forms, and not everyone rush to make a pattern. Economic reform in the former Soviet Union is such a cause, the rural economy is basically bankrupt, how can the urban economy has not matured.

Solution for the economic crisis, the New Deal to do two things: interference economy, development of social security. Can also be said to be relatively close to the root of the problem, and the New Deal did not go back, never again to let everyone go back to farming, is an adventure, and adventure a success. Of course, there are very important to his success is due to World War II.

3. 美国20世纪30年代发生经济大萧条的原因是什么?

首先,由于生产社会化与生产资料私人所有制之间的矛盾,繁荣并未带来共同富裕,相反,加剧了贫富差距。例如美国,到1929年,占人口5%的富人的收入几乎占了全部收入的1╱3,而全年收入大约在2000美元左右的贫困户占家庭总数的60%。这就大大限制了社会购买力。   其次,即使繁荣时期,工业部门的开工也严重不足。大批工人失业。1921——1929年,美国失业者平均每年都在220万人以上。英国失业率在最低的1927年也达9.7%,而瑞典则从未低于10%。失业的存在必然降低社会购买力,为危机准备了条件。   第三,国际市场上滞销的农产品、初级工业产品越积越多。如小麦、糖、咖啡、橡胶、铜等等均出现此类情况。   第四,伴随着20年代的繁荣出现的地产和股票投机狂热(特别是后一种投机活动,使得股票市场价格猛涨),增加了金融市场的不稳定性。1928年8月底美国股票市场的平均价格相当于5年前的4倍。这种空前猖獗的金融投机活动为货币和信贷系统的崩溃准备了条件。


4. 关于三十年代美国经济大萧条的问题(高中历史)


5. 是什么原因造成了30年代美国经济大萧条?

